The case against pre-emptive holocaust in Iran

...If you read the “talkbacks” on The Jerusalem Post or Ha’aretz websites, not to mention the radical right-wing blogs, the idea of nuking Iran has been boiling in the minds of more than a few people, Jews and gentiles, for a long time.
But this idea has now traveled beyond the boundaries of the crackpot Right, and is reportedly on the menu of options for dealing with Iran that the Israeli military is preparing to put at the government’s disposal...
... The Iranians have weapons of mass destruction n chemical and possibly biological, too. They also have missiles that can reach anywhere in Israel. If they are so bent on wiping us out, why haven’t they showered tiny little Israel with WMD-armed missiles?
The answer, again, is that while the Iranians are crazy, they’re not that crazy. I believe that even if they think they could take out Israel with a first strike before Israel could retaliate, they realize that the U.S. would immediately nuke Iran to rubble...
...If Israel uses its nuclear weapons against Iran, which is nearly 80 times Israel’s size, the very least that would likely happen is that Israel would immediately be showered by Iranian missiles carrying chemical and possibly biological weapons.
What’s not just a possibility but a very strong probability, though, is that since some of Iran’s nuclear facilities “are in or near major cities,” ... millions of Iranians would be killed.What would such an act by Israel be? It would be genocide. It would be a holocaust.Those who think they can see into the future might try to call it a “pre-emptive holocaust.” But a holocaust it would be...
Why do those who quite rightly show disgust at any 'perceived' threat of the genocide of Israelis so often fail to show equal sickness for the genocide of Iranians ?
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