Monday, September 12, 2005

UN to investigate UK, and American CIA

The Guardian is reporting Here

The United Nations is investigating the CIA's use of British airports when abducting terrorism suspects and flying them to prisons around the world where they are alleged to have been tortured.

The United Nations is investigating the CIA's use of British airports when abducting terrorism suspects and flying them to prisons around the world where they are alleged to have been tortured.The inquiry, led by Martin Scheinin, a special rapporteur from the UN Commission on Human Rights, comes as an investigation by the Guardian reveals the full extent of the British logistical support. Aircraft used in the secret operations have flown into the UK at least 210 times since the September 11 terror attacks.

Foreign Office officials have denied all knowledge of the secret flights, telling MPs on the foreign affairs select committee that the ministry has "not granted any permissions for the use of UK territory or air space", and suggesting to the Guardian that it was "just a conspiracy theory".
Privately, Ministry of Defence officials admit that they are aware of the flights, and that they have decided to turn a blind eye. "It is not a matter for the MoD," said one. "The aircraft use our airfields. We don't ask any questions. They just happen to be behind the wire."


Blogger G_in_AL said...

EVIL EVIL EVIL!!!!!!! Those poor radical Muslims were denied armed escort (with govnt attorney) to a proper police station of a sympathetic nation (also known as safe haven). The UK and the US should have sanctions imposed on them, and then put Blair and Bush in jail...

Oh wait, if we put sanctions on them, they just wont trade with anyone, then the world economy colapses. And how exactly would we arrest Blair or Bush? Not sure the local law enforcement is going to let in some Pakistani "peace keepers" roll in with handcuffs.

September 13, 2005 4:43 pm  
Blogger _H_ said...

LOL again G , international law is what it is , it is LAW

if you don't want to apply yourselves to it then remove yourself from the human rights and geneva convention laws you agreed to apply

a country is deemed as being unwell if it does not sign upto the international laws , america wants to be seen as healthy so it signs up to the rules , but it also wants to be able to break them when it sees fit .

as my mother often said "you can not have your cake and eat it"

you are trying to for example push Iran on its duty under international law , why the fuck will they listen if you yourself dont apply it

lead by example G , american is leading by example , and thats one reason that we are all a lot less safe then before !

what ammuses me most with your thoughts on these subjects G , is how you ALWAYS assume these people are guilty , purely because your government tells you they are !!!

you don't know that they are guilty of anything at all , your just repeating parrot style the line your government takes

if they are guilty , then why deny that judicial process ?

why can you say that you have a right to torture people for this reason or that , and without even noticing the hypocracy condemm people like saddam as evil as he erm (cough) tortured people !

is it beacause he did not torture people in the way you guys would ?

is it because your american your reasons for torture are cool and ok , but being iraq of course saddams torture was evil !

come on G , your waving the double standard stick again

September 13, 2005 5:13 pm  

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