Monday, January 23, 2006

Cartoon of the week

Spotted here


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find this cartoon illogical, without warrant and disgusting. And guess what? I don't even agree with Bush's wire-tapping.

January 23, 2006 10:24 am  
Blogger _H_ said...

why on earth would you find this cartoon 'disgusting' ?

if this is without warrant and disgusting i wonder how you view such Images as Lynsey England dragging Iraqi's around on a lead ?

or the dropping of WP on the people of falluja.

I dread to think !

January 23, 2006 6:41 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good picture, the other guy clearly has no sense of humour.

January 23, 2006 6:52 pm  
Blogger ~A4O~ said...

"Pay Me A Visit"

January 23, 2006 6:58 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I despise attempts at relativism such as this. As horrible as some of Bush's decisions may be, they are not the same as Saddam's. I am not saying that either are saints. If you would wager to say that Bush's actions are a negation of people's freedom, that is another thing. But one crime does not equate to another.

I believe in justice- even if it is not always found, an honest attempt must be made to find it. If we treat each dictator, each delinquent, each fraudulent as the same as the other, we directly undermine the individualized process justice requires.

The word disgusting has variable definitions and can be applied to many degrees. Why would you assume that my dislike of this cartoon is immediately translatable to my acceptance of heinous actions across the board?

Corporate England's acts of torture were wrong, disgusting and depraved. I think she is getting the sentence she deserves.

I understand the attempt at humor, but there are all kinds of humor. To choose this joke is testimony to your underlying belief system on it all. Therefore, no I do not find it funny and I do find it disgusting.

Enough of this silly banter and lets get to the guts of it- you really should look into the Highway of Death if you are interested in atrocities. I would be interested to you hear your opinions on the matter.

January 23, 2006 7:28 pm  
Blogger _H_ said...


I despise attempts at relativism such as this. As horrible as some of Bush's decisions may be, they are not the same as Saddam's. I am not saying that either are saints. If you would wager to say that Bush's actions are a negation of people's freedom, that is another thing. But one crime does not equate to another.

I agree that Bush's crimes are not the same as Saddam's and 'despise' is another very strong word . Saddam was a vicious dictator without doubt but the number of innocents killed around the globe by the orders of president Bush and his utilization of the worlds most potent military force make him a greater danger to human kind than Saddam ever could have been .

But the general point is in my view being missed . This is a cartoon and you have probably spent longer assessing it than the artist spent drawing it , It may well be designed to make you think but only at the surfice its main intent is to mildly amuse that is all .

A few posts down from here is access to an entire lecture by the intellectual Norm Chomsky which may well be worthy of your effort to dig into the mind of the designer ,it has structure and data points to assess and was designed to be taken seriously , this cartoon was not and it worries me that for whatever reason you decided to do so ?

I believe in justice- even if it is not always found, an honest attempt must be made to find it. If we treat each dictator, each delinquent, each fraudulent as the same as the other, we directly undermine the individualized process justice requires.

Yes I agree . I hope to see Saddam sentenced for his crimes and I hope in a decade or so to see President Bush charged with war crimes for the Illegal invasion of a sovereign country and his actions within . Of course this will never happen as you say justice is not always found

The word disgusting has variable definitions and can be applied to many degrees. Why would you assume that my dislike of this cartoon is immediately translatable to my acceptance of heinous actions across the board?

Extremely unpleasant to the senses or feelings: atrocious foul horrid, nasty, nauseating, offensive, repellent, repulsive, revolting, sickening, ugly, unwholesome, vile all very strong definitions of disgusting , the use the word disgusting did surprise me in the context of a cartoon , By the usual standards of the kinds of images and the language I use on this site is is very mild .

Anybody who comes to my site often reads about torture and the murder of women and children in quite some graphic detail . but you are without doubt the first to feel 'disgusted' by the presentation of a cartoon on my site ...

So the immediate transference was in the context of what I am used to being classified as offensive by a very small minority of (usually right wing) Americans on this blog . It is for you to decide what you do or do not find offensive , but of the 700 posts on this site you probably found offense at one of the mildest posts I have ever made and I would respectfully suggest that such sensitivity would make this site unsuitable for someone such as yourself . (of course your welcome to return if you wish)

Corporate England's acts of torture were wrong, disgusting and depraved. I think she is getting the sentence she deserves.

I agree , though I certainly feel she is being used as a scape goat and the fact that not a single senior person has been charged with this barbaric sickness when it was clearly authorised from on high is a perfect example of the double standards currently being employed by the US .

I understand the attempt at humor, but there are all kinds of humor. To choose this joke is testimony to your underlying belief system on it all. Therefore, no I do not find it funny and I do find it disgusting.

To feel that this cartoon is here as testimony to my 'underlying belief system' is with respect just absurd , it is just a cartoon ! that happens to be the last post I made before I went to sleep , I never claimed it was fundamental to my philosophy and this comment does help me understand why you would feel such offence .

I found the cartoon funny that is all . I am not alone with such thoughts it seems for someone else found it funny too and the web site where i found the cartoon also has comments commending its humour .

Personal taste is the key but please don't be so shallow as to presume you can psychoanalyse my online persona on the bases of a line drawing I decided to post . That would be a tragic injustice to your intelligence

But to complain of the hypocrisy of one of my assessments in one paragraph then to be guilty of the same charge in the next is funny ( you see we all laugh at different things)

Enough of this silly banter and lets get to the guts of it- you really should look into the Highway of Death if you are interested in atrocities. I would be interested to you hear your opinions on the matter.

I (as you may expect) find the mass killing of retreating soldiers in this way disgusting , I was a strongly in favour of the liberation of Kuwait and found that final act of barbarism 'disgusting'

However as you may have noticed I see the current US Neocon Agenda as the greatest danger that we as a planet have had to face for some considerable time .

I am obviously worried about the rise in extreme Muslim fundamentalism and the increased global profile of Al-qaeda but looking at ridiculous 'poke it with a stick' method of current US foreign policy the disregard for international law and standards and the constantly aggressive tactics including kidnap , torture , the use of land mines , depleted uranium , chemical weapons , predator drones , the patriot act and the constant surveillance and character assassinations of anyone who dares to dissent ... (the list is endless) extremely 'disgusting'.

I see the terrorist action of killing 18 civilians inside the sovereign nation of Pakistan considered justified by many because there may or may not have been a 'terrorist' around the area 'disgusting' and I find the current dehumanisation of Iran completely out of context of the reports from the inspections carried out by the IAEA 'disgusting' ( I find the rhetoric of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad disgusting too)

So I feel it is important to keep reminding as many as possible of the view of many of us that the current US administration is the greatest 'terrorist' threat to us all including the American population (shortly followed by Al-Qaeda) and the refusal to hand over the ex CIA terrorist Louis Posada Carriles is a perfect example of the current hypocrisy we are all expected to play along with.

If you have some desire to debate the highway of death in more detail or anything else that is not on topic for the particular thread you may be on please feel free to email me and i will respond in kind

If you choose to respond to this (assuming I have not disgusted you more) would you kindly pick a name so i can distinguish between yourself and any other anonymous that post . I have no desire to identify you but it does help if I can identify your comments.

January 23, 2006 8:58 pm  
Blogger High Power Rocketry said...

Lol I think it is funny and well done. Sure we all would rather have bush than saddam, but we would also rather have just about any previous american president than bush. He isnt the worst leader in the world, but he isnt the best.

But most of all, its a joke. It isnt supposed to be a deep political discussion, it is just a fun one liner. Just admit you support bush because you hate gay people or want christianity to run our government, or both. Thats 50% of the american vote right there.


January 23, 2006 9:58 pm  
Blogger Mea said...

Nice response- it helps to clarify things. I stand by every word I said, but I do see where you are coming from.

I do not like being told how I am allowed to use words, although now that I have been informed as to how you view the word, I can see why you find it mystifying.

Haha- you totally called me on my propensity to over psychoanalyze- I am quite famous for such things. However, you have to admit, the things people choose to post are in some way indicative of the way they see the world. For example, I would not have posted the cartoon, simply because I think it absurd and find it sad to waste time on it. Had I wanted to instigate thought, I would have posted something more substantial. But, that's me and like you said- to each their own.

In fact, I do not align myself with the right, but slightly to the left. While I too am quick to analyze the US government, because one, it is my own, and two, it is the most powerful in the world, I also think it imperative to analyze other sources of power elsewhere. President Bush would not be able to get away with everything if others were doing more about it. For example, your own government- the UK has been a great ally with US efforts- even if it is not always public. Of course, the Uk is not alone in all of this.

To call the US terrorists- I am not sure I agree with that. Terrorism in itself is a very vague concept. I think that while the result of violent acts may have similar consequences- 20 dead, etc.- the motivation and individual who commits the act are important to differentiate. Do I beleive that the US should be party to the ICC and such? HELL YES. Do I believe that Al Qaeda members, or whomever else should have a right to fair trial? HELL YES. However, international law is quite a fickle thing and jurisdiction can get a bit controversial. This is why I am quite interested in comity of law between nations, but that is for another topic.

I find we have very similar views on most things you mentioned and believe we could have quite interesting dialogue on such subjects.

I had posted my comments as anoynymous because I felt what I had to say was all that mattered. I think it will be easy for you to identify which posts are mine, but if you find more comfort in actually knowing who I am, I will sign with my blog id and then you can look at my page- its not as activist as yours is and is actually much more personal. For this reason, I have remained anonymous on my blog page, simply because I do not want to deface some of the people I am talking about on the page. It sounds cowardly, but if you read my page, you may better understand. Feel free to comment on my diatribes- I will definitely keep your site to take a gander at from time to time.

January 23, 2006 10:16 pm  
Blogger _H_ said...

I did not actually need or desire for you to use your blogger ID , just for you to type in any name you wanted under the section 'other'

Many people do not have an account , I just wanted to be able to define your anonymous from any other anonymous but thank you anyway.

Terrorism is a difficult thing to define and that is one (but not all) of the reasons why the 192 member states of the UN find it impossible to agree on what we should all class as 'terrorism'

I use the definition in the dictionary (both US and UK) and find it impossible to see how George Bush could be excluded from the literal definition

the general term terrorism is usually used to define

The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

and even telling Saddam he had 24 hours to leave the country is clearly an act of Terrorism (of course my views are much stronger than this but) to say George Bush is 'not' a terrorist would require you to re-write the worlds dictionaries

as they say one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist


your war of Independence from us could be called terrorism

the French resistance in world war 2 could be called terrorism

I am delighted to see you support the US joining the ICC . Your the first American I have heard say such a thing (I am sure there are many of you) so that's wonderful to read

thank you for taking the time to comment

and thank you to everyone for your comments it seems most of us found it funny anyway :-)

January 24, 2006 12:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find this cartoon logical, with warrant and a prime example of high-brow humor. And guess what? I don't even agree with Bush's wire-tapping either.

January 24, 2006 1:21 am  

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